Directions to the Lab

The Kim Lab is located on the second floor of the ChEM-H and Neurosciences Building

ChEM-H / Neuro Building, W220
Stanford University
290 Jane Stanford Way
Stanford, CA 94305


Where to Park

The nearest parking garage is located at the corner of Via Ortega and Panama Street (Via Ortega Garage). Enter the parking structure via Panama Street. Visitor pay parking is available on the lower and first levels of the parking structure. Please park at any numbered spot and download the ParkMobile app on your phone and pay through the app. Pay through the app, 8am-4pm, Monday through Friday.

Upon exiting the parking structure, head north on Via Ortega. The building should be located to your left.

Roble Field Garage located on Santa Theresa Street, south of Via Ortega Garage.
Stock Farm Garage located on Stock Farm Road, west of the School of Medicine


Peter S. Kim
Phone: 650-497-6082


Alternate Contact

Vi Dang
Phone: 650-498-7602


mailing address

Stanford University, School of Medicine
Beckman Center, B400
279 Campus Drive
Stanford, CA 94305